The Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO) is actively collaborating with the Algerian General Directorate of Forestry (DGF) to advance the 2016-2030 Action Plan under the National Wetlands Strategy. At the end of February, Anis Guelmami organized and led a workshop with the National Wetlands Committee in Algeria with two primary objectives:
The first objective was to conduct a mid-term evaluation to assess the progress of the National Wetlands Strategy halfway through its timeline. This evaluation aimed to identify achievements and areas needing improvement.
The second objective was to develop a roadmap outlining priority actions for pursuing the strategy’s goals. This roadmap would ensure a targeted approach to wetland conservation and management.

Although there have been significant improvements in some areas, implementing certain aspects of the strategy has been slower than expected. The workshop was a critical opportunity to prioritize and adjust efforts going forward. During the meeting, key focus areas were identified, requiring more attention to make progress. These focus areas include:
- Strengthen Legal Frameworks: Following the adoption of the forestry law in late 2023, which integrates ecosystem-based management principles for wetlands. The next step involves drafting specific legislation to protect further, restore, and rationally use wetlands.
- Establish a National Wetlands Observatory: With its legal status confirmed, upcoming tasks involve defining clear objectives, setting up an institutional framework, creating a multi-sector governance unit with a technical team, and establishing monitoring indicators.
- Manage Designated Wetlands: Priority will be given to developing management plans for Ramsar sites without one, ensuring these vital areas receive the required protection and oversight.
- National Wetlands Inventory: Progress continues with the EO4WI project, which is working to update and expand the national wetland database in collaboration with the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI), GeoVille Information Systems and Data Processing GmbH, Tour du Valat, and the European Space Agency (ESA-ESRIN).
The workshop emphasized the urgent challenges facing some of Algeria’s most iconic wetlands. These ecosystems risk severe degradation due to increased pressures such as water resource over-exploitation, habitat loss, pollution, and climate-induced droughts.
The full National Wetlands Strategy document, outlining the comprehensive approach and detailed actions, can be accessed here.
The MWO is dedicated to supporting its partners in Algeria in their crucial conservation efforts. These efforts aim to reduce the risks to these ecosystems and enhance their ability to withstand environmental pressures. It is essential to continue to work together and prioritize these efforts to maintain the health and sustainability of Algeria’s wetlands.